(ns dotdeploy.http
(:require [ring.util.response :refer [response status]]
[ring.mock.request :refer [header]]
[clojure.string :refer [join upper-case]]))
(defn options
"Generate a 200 HTTP response with an Allow header containing the provided
HTTP method names - response for an HTTP OPTIONS request"
([] (options #{:options} nil))
([allowed] (options allowed nil))
([allowed body]
(response body)
(header "Allow" (join ", " (map (comp upper-case name) allowed))))))
(defn method-not-allowed
"Generate a 405 response with an Allow header containing the provided HTTP
method names"
(options allowed)
(status 405)))
(defn not-implemented
"Return an HTTP 501 (Not Implemented)"
(response nil)
(status 501)))
(defn created
"Return an HTTP 201 (Created)"
(created url nil))
([url body]
(status 201)
(header "Location" url))))
(defn conflict
"Return an HTTP 409 (Conflict)"
(status 409)))
(defn ok
"Return an HTTP 200 (OK)"
(status 200)))