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Ansel Santosa 2f26803675 Fix typo
2017-11-12 10:08:07 -08:00

170 lines
6.1 KiB

package main
import (
// NodeAddress is just an alias for strings, but increases clarity in the map
// keys of the ClientList.
type NodeAddress string
// ClientList contains all clients which are currently connected to the cluster.
// Additionally, because this struct has methods defined on it which fulfill the
// requirements to be a smudge.StatusListener, it is used to handle
// notifications about added or removed clients.
// https://godoc.org/github.com/clockworksoul/smudge#StatusListener
type ClientList map[NodeAddress]ChatClient
// OnChange is the only method defined on the smudge.StatusListener. By
// implementing this method on the ClientStatusListener struct, that struct will
// satisfy the interface and we can register it with smudge.
// When a client is added or removed from the gossip cluster, update our
// internal list of the membership. We can use this internally maintained
// membership list to display a friends list.
func (cl ClientList) OnChange(node *smudge.Node, status smudge.NodeStatus) {
if status == smudge.StatusAlive {
printDebug("Adding a new node: %s", node.Address())
} else {
printDebug("Removing a node: " + node.Address())
// AddClient creates a ChatClient for the provided node and inserts it into the
// ClientList. If the node is ourselves, sets our username on the created
// ChatClient.
func (cl ClientList) AddClient(node *smudge.Node) {
// TODO: Implement this function
// We need to create a new ChatClient to store in our ClientList. Learn
// about creating structs here: https://gobyexample.com/structs
// If the node being added is us (the address matches localAddress) then we
// should add our username to the ChatClient object (localUsername).
// RemoveClient deletes a ChatClient from the ClientList if it exists, based on
// the information from the provided node.
func (cl ClientList) RemoveClient(node *smudge.Node) {
// TODO: Implement this function
// ClientList is a map from NodeAddress to a ChatClient. We can get the node
// address from the provided node by calling the "Address()" function on the
// Node, but that gives us a string. Casting to a NodeAddress is required
// before looking up in the map.
// You can find information about checking for key existance and removing
// keys from maps here: https://blog.golang.org/go-maps-in-action
// AddUsernames takes a map of NodeAddress->Username pairings and fills the
// ClientList with the usernames provided. It is possible that a node may change
// username, in which case the map should be updated.
func (cl ClientList) AddUsernames(usernames map[NodeAddress]string) error {
printDebug("Received username list containing: %+v", usernames)
// TODO: Implement this function
// loop over the provided map of usernames, updating our client list with
// the username as we go.
// range is used to iterate over maps, slices, and arrays.
// More info: https://tour.golang.org/moretypes/16
// Tell the UI the client list has changed and should be redrawn
return nil
// getUsernameMap returns a map from node addresses to username,
// including only clients for which we know the username. Also include ourselves
// with the localAddress and localUsername.
func (cl ClientList) getUsernameMap() map[NodeAddress]string {
// TODO: Implement this function
// Learn more about creating an empty map: https://gobyexample.com/maps
// Learn more about iterating maps: https://gobyexample.com/range
// Don't forget to add ourselves!
return make(map[NodeAddress]string)
// BroadcastUsernames builds a map of the known usernames and broadcasts them
// to the chat cluster.
func (cl ClientList) BroadcastUsernames() error {
printDebug("Processing request to broadcast our known usernames...")
usernames := cl.getUsernameMap()
msg := message{
Type: messageTypeUsernames,
Usernames: usernames,
return smudge.BroadcastBytes(msg.Encode())
// FillMissingInfo looks for any connected clients for which we do not already
// know the username. If any missing usernames are found, request a username
// list from the first client found which does not have a username.
func (cl ClientList) FillMissingInfo() {
c := time.Tick(15 * time.Second)
for _ = range c {
printDebug("Checking for clients with a missing username...")
if addrMissing, ok := cl.GetMissingUsername(); ok {
if err := cl.RequestUsernameList(addrMissing); err != nil {
printError("Error requesting missing usernames: %s", err)
// GetMissingUsername iterates through the client list, looking for an connected
// clients for which we do not yet have the username. Returns the address of the
// first client encountered which is missing the username.
// If all usernames are known, an empty address and false are returned.
func (cl ClientList) GetMissingUsername() (NodeAddress, bool) {
// TODO: Implement this function
// More info about iterating maps: https://gobyexample.com/range
return NodeAddress(""), false
// RequestUsernameList sends a broadcast to all nodes, requesting that the
// specified node respond with a list of all the usernames it is aware of.
// A broadcast is used because we have no way of directly connecting to this
// node. Other nodes will just have to ignore this message.
func (cl ClientList) RequestUsernameList(addrMissing NodeAddress) error {
printDebug("Sending username request to %s", addrMissing)
msg := message{
Type: messageTypeUsernameReq,
Body: string(addrMissing),
return smudge.BroadcastBytes(msg.Encode())
// ChatClient is a structure containing a reference to the smudge.Node
// represented and any additional information we know about this client, such as
// their username.
type ChatClient struct {
node *smudge.Node
// username is a value we will query the client for when first discovered
username string
// GetName returns the username of the connected client if the username is
// known, otherwise returns the address used by smudge to connect.
func (c *ChatClient) GetName() string {
// TODO: Implement this function
return ""