Tony Grosinger
The config yaml provides an interval period which is used to determine how often to update the IP addresses on the domains. The local IP address is checked each time before updating the domains.
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package main
import (
func checkError(err error) {
if err != nil {
// logError Logs an error message to Stderr and exits the program
func logError(msg string) {
// logWarning Logs a warning message to Stderr without exiting the program
func logWarning(msg string) {
old := log.Default().Writer()
// logWarning Logs a warning message to Stderr without exiting the program
func logWarningf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
old := log.Default().Writer()
log.Printf(format, v...)
var config ClientConfig
// ClientConfig : configuration json
type ClientConfig struct {
Interval string `json:"interval"`
APIKey string `json:"apiKey"`
DOPageSize int `json:"doPageSize"`
UseIPv4 *bool `json:"useIPv4"`
UseIPv6 *bool `json:"useIPv6"`
IPv4CheckURL string `json:"ipv4CheckUrl"`
IPv6CheckURL string `json:"ipv6CheckUrl"`
AllowIPv4InIPv6 bool `json:"allowIPv4InIPv6"`
Domains []Domain `json:"domains"`
// Domain : domains to be changed
type Domain struct {
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Records []DNSRecord `json:"records"`
// DNSRecord : Modifyiable DNS record
type DNSRecord struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Priority *int `json:"priority"`
Port *int `json:"port"`
Weight *int `json:"weight"`
TTL int `json:"ttl"`
Flags *uint8 `json:"flags"`
Tag *string `json:"tag"`
Data string `json:"data"`
// DOResponse : DigitalOcean DNS Records response.
type DOResponse struct {
DomainRecords []DNSRecord `json:"domain_records"`
Meta struct {
Total int `json:"total"`
} `json:"meta"`
Links struct {
Pages struct {
First string `json:"first"`
Previous string `json:"prev"`
Next string `json:"next"`
Last string `json:"last"`
} `json:"pages"`
} `json:"links"`
// GetConfig : get configuration file ~/.digitalocean-dynamic-ip.json
func GetConfig() ClientConfig {
cmdHelp := flag.Bool("h", false, "Show the help message")
cmdHelp2 := flag.Bool("help", false, "Show the help message")
cmdDbg := flag.Bool("d", false, "Outputs log messages to the standard console")
cmdDbg2 := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Outputs log messages to the standard console")
if *cmdHelp || *cmdHelp2 {
if !((*cmdDbg) || (*cmdDbg2)) {
// if no debug option was selected, discard all debug output
} else {
// default debug output to Stdout instead of Stderr
if len(flag.Args()) == 0 {
logError("Missing required argument with config file path.")
configFile := flag.Args()[0]
log.Printf("Using Config file: %s", configFile)
getfile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
var config ClientConfig
err = json.Unmarshal(getfile, &config)
return config
func usage() {
os.Stdout.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("To use this program you can specify the following command options:\n"+
"-h | -help\n\tShow this help message\n"+
"-d | -debug\n\tPrint debug messages to standard output\n"+
"[config_file]\n\tlocation of the configuration file\n\n"+
"example usages:\n\t%[1]s -help\n"+
"\t%[1]s %[2]s\n"+
"\t%[1]s -debug %[2]s\n"+
// CheckLocalIPs : get current IP of server. checks both IPv4 and Ipv6 to support dual stack environments
func CheckLocalIPs() (ipv4, ipv6 net.IP) {
var ipv4String, ipv6String string
ipv4CheckURL := ""
ipv6CheckURL := ""
if len(config.IPv4CheckURL) > 0 {
ipv4CheckURL = config.IPv4CheckURL
if len(config.IPv6CheckURL) > 0 {
ipv6CheckURL = config.IPv6CheckURL
if config.UseIPv4 == nil || *(config.UseIPv4) {
log.Printf("Checking IPv4 with URL: %s", ipv4CheckURL)
ipv4String, _ = getURLBody(ipv4CheckURL)
if ipv4String == "" {
logWarning("No IPv4 address found. Consider disabling IPv4 checks in the config `\"useIPv4\": false`")
} else {
ipv4 = net.ParseIP(ipv4String)
if ipv4 != nil {
// make sure we got back an actual ipv4 address
ipv4 = ipv4.To4()
log.Printf("Discovered IPv4 address `%s`", ipv4.String())
if ipv4 == nil {
logWarningf("Unable to parse `%s` as an IPv4 address", ipv4String)
if config.UseIPv6 == nil || *(config.UseIPv6) {
log.Printf("Checking IPv6 with URL: %s", ipv6CheckURL)
ipv6String, _ = getURLBody(ipv6CheckURL)
if ipv6String == "" {
logWarning("No IPv6 address found. Consider disabling IPv6 checks in the config `\"useIPv6\": false`")
} else {
ipv6 = net.ParseIP(ipv6String)
if ipv6 == nil {
logWarningf("Unable to parse `%s` as an IPv6 address", ipv6String)
} else {
log.Printf("Discovered IPv6 address `%s`", ipv6.String())
return ipv4, ipv6
func getURLBody(url string) (string, error) {
request, err := http.Get(url)
defer request.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(request.Body)
return string(body), nil
// GetDomainRecords : Get DNS records of current domain.
func GetDomainRecords(domain string) []DNSRecord {
ret := make([]DNSRecord, 0)
var page DOResponse
pageParam := ""
// 20 is the default page size
if config.DOPageSize > 0 && config.DOPageSize != 20 {
pageSize := config.DOPageSize
// don't let users set more than the max size
if pageSize > 200 {
pageSize = 200
pageParam = "?per_page=" + strconv.Itoa(pageSize)
for url := "" + url.PathEscape(domain) + "/records" + pageParam; url != ""; url = page.Links.Pages.Next {
page = getPage(url)
ret = append(ret, page.DomainRecords...)
return ret
func getPage(url string) DOResponse {
client := &http.Client{}
request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
request.Header.Add("Content-type", "Application/json")
request.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+config.APIKey)
response, err := client.Do(request)
defer response.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
// log.Println(string(body))
var jsonDOResponse DOResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonDOResponse)
return jsonDOResponse
// UpdateRecords : Update DNS records of domain
func UpdateRecords(domain Domain, ipv4, ipv6 net.IP) {
log.Printf("%s: %d to update", domain.Domain, len(domain.Records))
updated := 0
doRecords := GetDomainRecords(domain.Domain)
// look for the item to update
if len(doRecords) < 1 {
logWarningf("%s: No DNS records found in DigitalOcean", domain.Domain)
log.Printf("%s: %d DNS records found in DigitalOcean", domain.Domain, len(doRecords))
for _, toUpdateRecord := range domain.Records {
if toUpdateRecord.Type != "A" && toUpdateRecord.Type != "AAAA" {
logWarningf("%s: Unsupported type (Only A and AAAA records supported) for updates %+v", domain.Domain, toUpdateRecord)
if ipv4 == nil && toUpdateRecord.Type == "A" {
logWarningf("%s: You are trying to update an IPv4 A record with no IPv4 address: config: %+v", domain.Domain, toUpdateRecord)
if toUpdateRecord.ID > 0 {
// update the record directly. skip the extra search
logWarningf("%s: Unable to directly update records yet. Record: %+v", domain.Domain, toUpdateRecord)
var currentIP string
if toUpdateRecord.Type == "A" {
currentIP = ipv4.String()
} else if ipv6 == nil || ipv6.To4() != nil {
if ipv6 == nil {
ipv6 = ipv4
logWarningf("%s: You are trying to update an IPv6 AAAA record without an IPv6 address: ip: %s config: %+v",
if config.AllowIPv4InIPv6 {
currentIP = toIPv6String(ipv6)
log.Printf("%s: Converting IPv4 `%s` to IPv6 `%s`", domain.Domain, ipv6.String(), currentIP)
} else {
} else {
currentIP = ipv6.String()
log.Printf("%s: trying to update `%s` : `%s`", domain.Domain, toUpdateRecord.Type, toUpdateRecord.Name)
for _, doRecord := range doRecords {
//log.Printf("%s: checking `%s` : `%s`", domain.Domain, doRecord.Type, doRecord.Name)
if doRecord.Name == toUpdateRecord.Name && doRecord.Type == toUpdateRecord.Type {
if doRecord.Data == currentIP && (toUpdateRecord.TTL < 30 || doRecord.TTL == toUpdateRecord.TTL) {
log.Printf("%s: IP/TTL did not change %+v", domain.Domain, doRecord)
log.Printf("%s: updating %+v", domain.Domain, doRecord)
// set the IP address
doRecord.Data = currentIP
if toUpdateRecord.TTL >= 30 && doRecord.TTL != toUpdateRecord.TTL {
doRecord.TTL = toUpdateRecord.TTL
update, err := json.Marshal(doRecord)
client := &http.Client{}
request, err := http.NewRequest("PUT",
""+url.PathEscape(domain.Domain)+"/records/"+strconv.FormatInt(int64(doRecord.ID), 10),
request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
request.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+config.APIKey)
response, err := client.Do(request)
defer response.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
log.Printf("%s: DO update response for %s: %s", domain.Domain, doRecord.Name, string(body))
log.Printf("%s: %d of %d records updated", domain.Domain, updated, len(domain.Records))
// toIPv6String : net.IP.String will always output an IPv4 address in dot
// notation ( even if we convert it using net.IP.To16().
// For AAAA records, we can't have that. Instead, force the
// IP to have the IPv6 colon notation.
func toIPv6String(ip net.IP) (currentIP string) {
if ip == nil {
return ""
if ipv4 := ip.To4(); ipv4 != nil {
ip = ipv4
l := len(ip)
if l < 16 {
// ensure "v4InV6Prefix" for IPv4 addresses
currentIP = "::ffff:"
// byte length of an ipv6 segment.
segSize := 2
for i := 0; i < l; i += segSize {
end := i + segSize
bs := ip[i:end]
addColon := (end + 1) < l
currentIP += hex.EncodeToString(bs)
if addColon {
currentIP += ":"
return currentIP
// func areZero(bs []byte) bool {
// for _, b := range bs {
// if b != 0 {
// return false
// }
// }
// return true
// }
// updateAllDomains retrieves the current IP addresses and loops through all
// domains in the config to update them with the current IPs.
func updateAllDomains(config ClientConfig) {
currentIPv4, currentIPv6 := CheckLocalIPs()
if currentIPv4 == nil && currentIPv6 == nil {
logError("Current IP addresses are not valid, or both are disabled in the config. Check your configuration and internet connection.")
for _, domain := range config.Domains {
log.Printf("%s: START", domain.Domain)
UpdateRecords(domain, currentIPv4, currentIPv6)
log.Printf("%s: END", domain.Domain)
func main() {
config = GetConfig()
interval, err := time.ParseDuration(config.Interval)
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
cancelChan := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(cancelChan, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
// Run once immediately before waiting for the ticker
func() {
for {
select {
case <-cancelChan:
case <-ticker.C: