44 lines
2.0 KiB
44 lines
2.0 KiB
type: list
list_type: simple
default: ''
en: 'Each entry should be ~ delimited using the following format:
<small><b>category-slug~Preview Name~Preview Description~https://example.com~group</b></small>
category-slug - the preview will display above this category in the category list. The slug can be found by looking at a category URL: https://example.com/c/<b>category-slug</b>/12
<b>IMPORTANT:</b> The category-slug chosen must be from a category that is visible to everyone.
<li> Preview Name - the bold, hyperlinked part of the preview</li>
Preview Description - displayed under the Preview Name
https://example.com - the link that will be attached to the Preview Name
group - a comma-separated list of group names. Members of these groups will <b>not</b> see the preview. This should align with the category permission settings of the category being previewed.
<b>IMPORTANT:</b> The groups chosen must configured so that the "Who can see this group?" visibility setting is set to "Group owners, member" or less restrictive.
There should always be 4 "~" in the entry, but you can choose to exclude values after each "~" to omit one of the above sections
You can use the same category slug multiple times. When this is done, the previews will display in the order they appear in the setting.'
type: string
default: 'lock'
en: 'The name of a Font Awesome icon to display before the Preview Name. Leave blank if no icon is need.'
type: string
default: '0088CC'
en: 'The hex color associated with all category previews when the <code>category style</code> site setting is not set to "none."'