import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import User from "discourse/models/user"; import EmberObject from "@ember/object"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; export default { name: "user-card-directory", initialize(container) { withPluginApi("0.8.7", (api) => { api.modifyClass("route:users", { resetController(controller, isExiting) { this._super(...arguments); if (isExiting) { controller.set("cachedUserCardInfo", {}); } }, }); api.modifyClass("route:users", { queryParams: { cards: { refreshModel: true }, }, beforeModel(transition) { this._super(transition); if ( settings.default_view === "cards" && ! ) { this.transitionTo({ queryParams: { cards: "yes" } }); } }, model(params) { return this._super(params).then((model) => { model.showAsCards = params["cards"] === "yes"; return model; }); }, renderTemplate(controller, model) { if (model.showAsCards) { return this.render("users-as-card-directory"); } return this._super(); }, }); api.modifyClass("controller:users", { cachedUserCardInfo: null, init(){ this.set("cachedUserCardInfo", {}); this._super(...arguments); }, @discourseComputed("model.content.@each") userCards(allUsers) { if (!allUsers) return []; const toLoad = []; if (settings.hide_current_user && this.currentUser) { allUsers = allUsers.filter((u) => !==; } const userCardInfos = => { if (this.cachedUserCardInfo[]) { return this.cachedUserCardInfo[]; } const userCardInfo = (this.cachedUserCardInfo[ ] = EmberObject.create({ user: User.create(u.user), directoryItem: u, loading: true })); toLoad.push(userCardInfo); return userCardInfo; }); const loadMax = 50; while (toLoad.length > 0) { const thisBatch = toLoad.splice(0, loadMax); const promise = ajax("/user-cards.json", { data: { user_ids: =>",") } }); thisBatch.forEach(uc => { // Each user card expects its own promise // Rather than making a separate AJAX request for each // We re-use the `user-cards.json` promise, and manipulate the data const convertedPromise = promise.then(data => { // Find the correct user from users, and put it in the user attribute // Use Object.assign to avoid contaminating the source object return Object.assign({}, data, { user: data.users.find(u => === }); }); return uc.user .findDetails({ existingRequest: convertedPromise }) .finally(() => uc.set("loading", false)); }); } return userCardInfos; } }); }); } };