Neovim: Remove some of the more verbose comments from Kickstarter

This commit is contained in:
Tony Grosinger 2024-05-29 07:41:20 -07:00
parent ead30af6bf
commit 1508c9cbf7
2 changed files with 2 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,5 @@
==================== READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING ====================
======== .-----. ========
======== .----------------------. | === | ========
======== |.-""""""""""""""""""-.| |-----| ========
======== || || | === | ========
======== || KICKSTART.NVIM || |-----| ========
======== || || | === | ========
======== || || |-----| ========
======== ||:Tutor || |:::::| ========
======== |'-..................-'| |____o| ========
======== `"")----------------(""` ___________ ========
======== /::::::::::| |::::::::::\ \ no mouse \ ========
======== /:::========| |==hjkl==:::\ \ required \ ========
======== '""""""""""""' '""""""""""""' '""""""""""' ========
======== ========
What is Kickstart?
Kickstart.nvim is *not* a distribution.
@ -43,20 +23,7 @@ What is Kickstart?
Kickstart Guide:
TODO: The very first thing you should do is to run the command `:Tutor` in Neovim.
If you don't know what this means, type the following:
- <escape key>
- :
- Tutor
- <enter key>
(If you already know the Neovim basics, you can skip this step.)
Once you've completed that, you can continue working through **AND READING** the rest
of the kickstart init.lua.
Next, run AND READ `:help`.
First, run AND READ `:help`.
This will open up a help window with some basic information
about reading, navigating and searching the builtin help documentation.
@ -70,18 +37,8 @@ Kickstart Guide:
These are hints about where to find more information about the relevant settings,
plugins or Neovim features used in Kickstart.
NOTE: Look for lines like this
Throughout the file. These are for you, the reader, to help you understand what is happening.
Feel free to delete them once you know what you're doing, but they should serve as a guide
for when you are first encountering a few different constructs in your Neovim config.
If you experience any errors while trying to install kickstart, run `:checkhealth` for more info.
I hope you enjoy your Neovim journey,
- TJ
P.S. You can delete this when you're done too. It's your config now! :)
-- Set <space> as the leader key
@ -225,13 +182,8 @@ vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath)
-- NOTE: Here is where you install your plugins.
-- NOTE: Plugins can be added with a link (or for a github repo: 'owner/repo' link).
'tpope/vim-sleuth', -- Detect tabstop and shiftwidth automatically
-- NOTE: Plugins can also be added by using a table,
-- with the first argument being the link and the following
-- keys can be used to configure plugin behavior/loading/etc.
-- Use `opts = {}` to force a plugin to be loaded.
-- This is equivalent to:
@ -296,13 +248,6 @@ require('lazy').setup({
-- NOTE: Plugins can specify dependencies.
-- The dependencies are proper plugin specifications as well - anything
-- you do for a plugin at the top level, you can do for a dependency.
-- Use the `dependencies` key to specify the dependencies of a particular plugin
{ -- Fuzzy Finder (files, lsp, etc)
event = 'VimEnter',
@ -425,18 +370,6 @@ require('lazy').setup({
{ 'folke/neodev.nvim', opts = {} },
config = function()
-- Brief aside: **What is LSP?**
-- LSP is an initialism you've probably heard, but might not understand what it is.
-- LSP stands for Language Server Protocol. It's a protocol that helps editors
-- and language tooling communicate in a standardized fashion.
-- In general, you have a "server" which is some tool built to understand a particular
-- language (such as `gopls`, `lua_ls`, `rust_analyzer`, etc.). These Language Servers
-- (sometimes called LSP servers, but that's kind of like ATM Machine) are standalone
-- processes that communicate with some "client" - in this case, Neovim!
-- LSP provides Neovim with features like:
-- - Go to definition
-- - Find references
@ -457,10 +390,7 @@ require('lazy').setup({
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('kickstart-lsp-attach', { clear = true }),
callback = function(event)
-- NOTE: Remember that Lua is a real programming language, and as such it is possible
-- to define small helper and utility functions so you don't have to repeat yourself.
-- In this case, we create a function that lets us more easily define mappings specific
-- Create a function that lets us more easily define mappings specific
-- for LSP related items. It sets the mode, buffer and description for us each time.
local map = function(keys, func, desc)
vim.keymap.set('n', keys, func, { buffer = event.buf, desc = 'LSP: ' .. desc })

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@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
-- kickstart.nvim and not kitchen-sink.nvim ;)
return {
-- NOTE: Yes, you can install new plugins here!
-- NOTE: And you can specify dependencies as well
dependencies = {
-- Creates a beautiful debugger UI