Neovim: Switch to catppuccin colorscheme

This commit is contained in:
Tony Grosinger 2024-05-29 15:53:00 -07:00
parent b9536f72d3
commit fc88e7db50

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@ -693,21 +693,76 @@ require('lazy').setup({
{ -- You can easily change to a different colorscheme.
-- Change the name of the colorscheme plugin below, and then
-- change the command in the config to whatever the name of that colorscheme is.
-- Set the colorscheme.
-- If you want to see what colorschemes are already installed, you can use `:Telescope colorscheme`.
name = 'catppuccin',
priority = 1000, -- Make sure to load this before all the other start plugins.
opts = {
flavour = 'latte',
integrations = {
cmp = true,
dap = true,
diffview = true,
gitsigns = true,
mason = true,
native_lsp = {
enabled = true,
virtual_text = {
errors = { 'italic' },
hints = { 'italic' },
warnings = { 'italic' },
information = { 'italic' },
ok = { 'italic' },
underlines = {
errors = { 'underline' },
hints = { 'underline' },
warnings = { 'underline' },
information = { 'underline' },
ok = { 'underline' },
inlay_hints = {
background = true,
telescope = true,
which_key = true,
color_overrides = {
latte = {
rosewater = '#cc7983',
flamingo = '#bb5d60',
pink = '#d54597',
mauve = '#a65fd5',
red = '#b7242f',
maroon = '#db3e68',
peach = '#e46f2a',
yellow = '#bc8705',
green = '#1a8e32',
teal = '#00a390',
sky = '#089ec0',
sapphire = '#0ea0a0',
blue = '#017bca',
lavender = '#8584f7',
text = '#444444',
subtext1 = '#555555',
subtext0 = '#666666',
overlay2 = '#777777',
overlay1 = '#888888',
overlay0 = '#999999',
surface2 = '#aaaaaa',
surface1 = '#bbbbbb',
surface0 = '#cccccc',
base = '#fffffa',
mantle = '#eeeeee',
crust = '#dddddd',
init = function()
-- Load the colorscheme here.
-- Like many other themes, this one has different styles, and you could load
-- any other, such as 'tokyonight-storm', 'tokyonight-moon', or 'tokyonight-day'.
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'tokyonight-night'
-- You can configure highlights by doing something like:
vim.cmd.hi 'Comment gui=none'
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'catppuccin'