Outlines feature complete

This commit is contained in:
Bán Dénes 2020-07-10 22:40:34 +02:00
parent 066e1a54ea
commit 827cfeea21
8 changed files with 181 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -334,17 +334,19 @@ glue:
- ...
...where an `<anchor>` is the same as it was for points:
...where an `<anchor>` is (mostly) the same as it was for points:
ref: <point reference>
shift: [x, y] # default = [0, 0]
rotate: num # default = 0
relative: boolean # default = true
The section's `top` and `bottom` are both formatted the same, and describe the center line's top and bottom intersections, respectively.
In a one-piece case, this means that we project a line from a left-side reference point (optionally rotated and translated), another from the right, and converge them to where they meet.
Split designs can specify `right` as a single number to mean the x coordinate where the side should be "cut off".
The `relative` flag means that the `shift` is interpreted in layout size units instead of mms (see below).
This leads to a gluing middle patch that can be used to meld the left and right sides together, given by the counter-clockwise polygon:
@ -374,9 +376,10 @@ Now we can configure what we want to "export" as outlines from this phase, given
- `middle` means an "ideal" version of the glue (meaning that instead of the `outline.glue` we defined above, we get `both` - `left` - `right`, so the _exact_ middle piece we would have needed to glue everything together
- `both` means both sides, held together by the glue
- `glue` is just the raw glue shape we defined above under `outline.glue`
- `size: num | [num_x, num_y]` : the width/height of the rectangles to lay onto the points
- `size: num | [num_x, num_y]` : the width/height of the rectangles to lay onto the points. Note that the `relative` flag for the glue declaration above meant this size as the basis of the shift. So during a `keys` layout with a size of 18, for example, a relative shift of `[.5, .5]` actually means `[9, 9]` in mms.
- `corner: num # default = 0)` : corner radius of the rectangles
- `bevel: num # default = 0)` : corner bevel of the rectangles, can be combined with rounding
- `bound: boolean # default = true` : whether to use the binding declared previously
- `rectangle` : an independent rectangle primitive. Parameters:
- `ref: <point reference>` : what position and rotation to consider as the origin
- `rotate: num` : extra rotation
@ -395,7 +398,7 @@ Using these, we define exports as follows:
- operation: add | subtract | intersect # default = add
- operation: add | subtract | intersect | stack # default = add
type: <one of the types>
<type-specific params>
- ...

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
const m = require('makerjs')
const Point = require('./point')
const assert = exports.assert = (exp, msg) => {
@ -57,9 +58,8 @@ exports.anchor = (raw, name, points={}, check_unexpected=true, default_point=new
a = points[raw.ref].clone()
if (raw.shift !== undefined) {
const xyval = wh(raw.shift || [0, 0], name + '.shift')
a.x += xyval[0]
a.y += xyval[1]
let xyval = wh(raw.shift || [0, 0], name + '.shift')
a.shift(xyval, true)
if (raw.rotate !== undefined) {
a.r += sane(raw.rotate || 0, name + '.rotate', 'number')

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@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ const u = require('./utils')
exports.dump_model = (model, file='model', debug=false) => {
const assembly = m.model.originate({
models: u.deepcopy(model),
models: {
export: u.deepcopy(model)
units: 'mm'

View File

@ -4,27 +4,46 @@ const a = require('./assert')
const Point = require('./point')
const rectangle = (w, h, corner, bevel, name='') => {
const error = (dim, val) => `Rectangle for "${name}" isn't ${dim} enough for its corner and bevel (${val} - ${corner} - ${bevel} <= 0)!`
const cw = w - corner - bevel
const error = (dim, val) => `Rectangle for "${name}" isn't ${dim} enough for its corner and bevel (${val} - 2 * ${corner} - 2 * ${bevel} <= 0)!`
const mod = 2 * (corner + bevel)
const cw = w - mod
a.assert(cw >= 0, error('wide', w))
ch = h - corner - bevel
const ch = h - mod
a.assert(ch >= 0, error('tall', h))
let res = m.models.Rectangle(w, h)
res = m.model.outline(res, bevel, 2)
res = m.model.outline(res, corner, 0)
let res = new m.models.Rectangle(cw, ch)
if (bevel > 0) res = m.model.outline(res, bevel, 2)
if (corner > 0) res = m.model.outline(res, corner, 0)
return m.model.moveRelative(res, [corner + bevel, corner + bevel])
const parse_glue = exports._parse_glue = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
const relative_anchor = (decl, name, points={}, check_unexpected=true, default_point=new Point()) => {
decl.shift = a.wh(decl.shift || [0, 0], name + '.shift')
const relative = a.sane(decl.relative === undefined ? true : decl.relative, `${name}.relative`, 'boolean')
delete decl.relative
if (relative) {
return size => {
const copy = u.deepcopy(decl)
copy.shift = [copy.shift[0] * size[0], copy.shift[1] * size[1]]
return a.anchor(copy, name, points, check_unexpected, default_point)
return () => a.anchor(decl, name, points, check_unexpected, default_point)
const layout = exports._layout = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
// Glue config sanitization
a.detect_unexpected(config, 'outline.glue', ['top', 'bottom', 'waypoints', 'extra'])
for (const y of ['top', 'bottom']) {
a.detect_unexpected(config[y], `outline.glue.${y}`, ['left', 'right'])
config[y].left = a.anchor(config[y].left, `outline.glue.${y}.left`, points)
config[y].left = relative_anchor(config[y].left, `outline.glue.${y}.left`, points)
if (a.type(config[y].right) != 'number') {
config[y].right = a.anchor(config[y].right, `outline.glue.${y}.right`, points)
config[y].right = relative_anchor(config[y].right, `outline.glue.${y}.right`, points)
@ -42,11 +61,16 @@ const parse_glue = exports._parse_glue = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
return (params, export_name, expected) => {
a.detect_unexpected(params, `${export_name}`, expected.concat(['side', 'size', 'corner', 'bevel']))
// Layout params sanitization
a.detect_unexpected(params, `${export_name}`, expected.concat(['side', 'size', 'corner', 'bevel', 'bound']))
const side = a.in(params.side, `${export_name}.side`, ['left', 'right', 'middle', 'both', 'glue'])
const size = a.wh(params.size, `${export_name}.size`)
const corner = a.sane(params.corner || 0, `${export_name}.corner`, 'number')
const bevel = a.sane(params.bevel || 0, `${export_name}.bevel`, 'number')
const bound = a.sane(params.bound === undefined ? true : params.bound, `${export_name}.bound`, 'boolean')
// Actual layout
let left = {models: {}}
let right = {models: {}}
@ -56,25 +80,35 @@ const parse_glue = exports._parse_glue = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
let from_x = -size[0] / 2, to_x = size[0] / 2
let from_y = -size[1] / 2, to_y = size[1] / 2
let bind = a.trbl(p.meta.bind || 0, `${pname}.bind`)
// if it's a mirrored key, we swap the left and right bind values
if (p.meta.mirrored) {
bind = [bind[0], bind[3], bind[2], bind[1]]
from_x -= bind[3]
to_x += bind[1]
from_y -= bind[2]
to_y += bind[0]
// the original position
let rect = rectangle(to_x - from_x, to_y - from_y, corner, bevel, `${export_name}.size`)
rect = m.model.move(rect, [from_x, from_y])
rect = m.model.moveRelative(rect, [from_x, from_y])
// extra binding "material", if necessary
if (bound) {
let bind = a.trbl(p.meta.bind || 0, `${pname}.bind`)
// if it's a mirrored key, we swap the left and right bind values
if (p.meta.mirrored) {
bind = [bind[0], bind[3], bind[2], bind[1]]
const bt = to_y + Math.max(bind[0], 0)
const br = to_x + Math.max(bind[1], 0)
const bd = from_y - Math.max(bind[2], 0)
const bl = from_x - Math.max(bind[3], 0)
if (bind[0] || bind[1]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(br, bt))
if (bind[1] || bind[2]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(br, -bd, [0, bd]))
if (bind[2] || bind[3]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(-bl, -bd, [bl, bd]))
if (bind[3] || bind[0]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(-bl, bt, [bl, 0]))
// positioning and unioning the resulting shape
rect = p.position(rect)
if (p.meta.mirrored) {
right = m.model.combineUnion(right, rect)
right = u.union(right, rect)
} else {
left = m.model.combineUnion(left, rect)
left = u.union(left, rect)
@ -82,18 +116,19 @@ const parse_glue = exports._parse_glue = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
if (side == 'right') return right
let glue = {models: {}}
if (['middle', 'both', 'glue'].includes(side)) {
if (bound && ['middle', 'both', 'glue'].includes(side)) {
const get_line = (anchor) => {
if (a.type(anchor) == 'number') {
return u.line([anchor, -1000], [anchor, 1000])
let from = anchor.clone()
let to = anchor.add([anchor.meta.mirrored ? -1 : 1, 0])
to = to.rotate(anchor.r, anchor.p).p
return u.line(from, to)
// if it wasn't a number, then it's a function returning an achor
// have to feed it `size` first in case it's relative
const from = anchor(size).clone()
const to = from.clone().shift([from.meta.mirrored ? -1 : 1, 0])
return u.line(from.p, to.p)
const tll = get_line(config.top.left)
@ -110,13 +145,13 @@ const parse_glue = exports._parse_glue = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
const left_waypoints = []
const right_waypoints = []
for (const w of config.waypoints) {
const percent = w.percent / 100
const center_x = tip[0] + percent * (bip[0] - tip[0])
const center_y = tip[1] + percent * (bip[1] - tip[1])
const left_x = center_x - (w.left || w.width / 2)
const right_x = center_x + (w.right || w.width / 2)
const left_x = center_x - w.width[0]
const right_x = center_x + w.width[1]
left_waypoints.push([left_x, center_y])
right_waypoints.unshift([right_x, center_y])
@ -133,24 +168,26 @@ const parse_glue = exports._parse_glue = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
.concat([blp, bip, brp])
glue = u.poly(waypoints)
if (side == 'glue') return glue
let both = m.model.combineUnion(u.deepcopy(left), glue)
both = m.model.combineUnion(both, u.deepcopy(right))
if (side == 'both') return both
if (side == 'middle') {
let middle = u.subtract(glue, left)
middle = u.subtract(middle, right)
return middle
let middle = m.model.combineSubtraction(both, left)
middle = m.model.combineSubtraction(both, right)
return middle
let both = u.union(u.deepcopy(left), glue)
both = u.union(both, u.deepcopy(right))
return both
exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
a.detect_unexpected(config, 'outline', ['glue', 'exports'])
const glue = parse_glue(config.glue, points)
const layout_fn = layout(config.glue, points)
const outlines = {}
@ -162,17 +199,18 @@ exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
const name = `outline.exports.${key}[${++index}]`
const expected = ['type', 'operation']
part.type = a.in(part.type, `${name}.type`, ['keys', 'rectangle', 'circle', 'polygon', 'ref'])
part.operation = a.in(part.operation || 'add', `${name}.operation`, ['add', 'subtract', 'intersect'])
part.operation = a.in(part.operation || 'add', `${name}.operation`, ['add', 'subtract', 'intersect', 'stack'])
let op = m.model.combineUnion
if (part.operation == 'subtract') op = m.model.combineSubtraction
else if (part.operation == 'intersect') op = m.model.combineIntersection
let op = u.union
if (part.operation == 'subtract') op = u.subtract
else if (part.operation == 'intersect') op = u.intersect
else if (part.operation == 'stack') op = u.stack
let arg
let anchor
switch (part.type) {
case 'keys':
arg = glue(part, name, expected)
arg = layout_fn(part, name, expected)
case 'rectangle':
a.detect_unexpected(part, name, expected.concat(['ref', 'shift', 'rotate', 'size', 'corner', 'bevel']))
@ -181,7 +219,6 @@ exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
const corner = a.sane(part.corner || 0, `${name}.corner`, 'number')
const bevel = a.sane(part.bevel || 0, `${name}.bevel`, 'number')
arg = rectangle(size[0], size[1], corner, bevel, name)
arg = m.model.move(arg, [-size[0]/2, -size[1]/2]) // center
arg = anchor.position(arg)
case 'circle':
@ -198,14 +235,14 @@ exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}) => {
let poly_index = 0
for (const poly_point of poly_points) {
const poly_name = `${name}.points[${++poly_index}]`
const anchor = a.anchor(point, point_name, points, true, last_anchor)
const anchor = a.anchor(poly_point, poly_name, points, true, last_anchor)
arg = u.poly(parsed_points)
case 'ref':
a.assert(outlines[part.name], `Field "${name}.name" does not name an existing outline!`)
arg = outlines[part.name]
arg = u.deepcopy(outlines[part.name])

View File

@ -24,14 +24,10 @@ module.exports = class Point {
[this.x, this.y] = val
add(a) {
const res = this.clone()
res.x += a[0]
res.y += a[1]
return res
shift(s) {
shift(s, relative=true) {
if (relative) {
s = m.point.rotate(s, this.r)
this.x += s[0]
this.y += s[1]
return this

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ const render_zone = exports._render_zone = (zone_name, zone, anchor, global_key)
anchor.clone().shift(col.origin, false).p
@ -264,5 +264,5 @@ exports.position = (points, shape) => {
for (const [pname, p] of Object.entries(points)) {
shapes[pname] = p.position(u.deepcopy(shape))
return {layout: {models: shapes}}
return {models: shapes}

View File

@ -14,18 +14,13 @@ exports.circle = (p, r) => {
return new m.paths.Circle(p, r)
exports.rect = (w, h, o=[0, 0], mirrored=false) => {
exports.rect = (w, h, o=[0, 0]) => {
const res = {
top: line([0, h], [w, h]),
right: line([w, h], [w, 0]),
bottom: line([w, 0], [0, 0]),
left: line([0, 0], [0, h])
if (mirrored) {
for (const segment of Object.values(res)) {
[segment.origin, segment.end] = [segment.end, segment.origin]
return m.model.move({paths: res}, o)
@ -42,3 +37,31 @@ exports.poly = (arr) => {
return res
const farPoint = [1234.1234, 2143.56789]
exports.union = (a, b) => {
return m.model.combine(a, b, false, true, false, true, {
exports.subtract = (a, b) => {
return m.model.combine(a, b, false, true, true, false, {
exports.intersect = (a, b) => {
return m.model.combine(a, b, true, false, true, false, {
exports.stack = (a, b) => {
return {
models: {
a, b

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ points:
stagger: -2
bind: [,,10,]
bind: [,,,10]
@ -64,21 +65,18 @@ points:
origin: [9.5, -9]
bind: [,10]
bind: [10,1,,]
spread: 21.25
rotate: -28
origin: [11.75, -9]
bind: [,10,,10]
bind: [,10,,15]
bind: [,,,10]
bind: [10]
bind: [-1,,,5]
bind: [0, 0, 0, 0]
rotate: -20
@ -105,12 +103,51 @@ outline:
rotate: 90
- percent: 50
width: 100
- percent: 90
width: 50
- percent: 90
width: 25
- type: keys
side: both
size: 18
corner: .5
corner: .5
- type: keys
operation: stack
side: both
size: 14
bound: false
- type: keys
operation: stack
side: middle
size: 24
- type: rectangle
size: [25, 5]
ref: home_thumb
shift: [0, 12]
- type: rectangle
size: [25, 5]
ref: far_thumb
shift: [-25, 12]
- type: rectangle
size: [25, 5]
ref: mirror_home_thumb
shift: [-25, 12]
- type: rectangle
size: [25, 5]
ref: mirror_far_thumb
shift: [0, 12]
- type: ref
name: outline
operation: intersect
- type: ref
name: outline
- type: ref
name: holes
operation: stack
- type: ref
name: middle
operation: stack