Outline progress

This commit is contained in:
Bán Dénes 2020-05-31 22:59:51 +02:00
parent afdc467daf
commit 8e9cdd1364
4 changed files with 114 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ if (args.debug) {
// if (args.outline) {
// outline_lib.draw(points, config)
// }
if (args.outline) {
outline_lib.draw(points, config)

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@ -1,20 +1,82 @@
const m = require('makerjs')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const assert = require('assert').strict
const outline = (points, radius, expansion=5, patches=[]) => {
const u = require('./utils')
const a_lot = 100
const outline = (points, size, config={}) => {
const models = {}
// create the two tops
const tlp = points[config.top.left]
const trp = points[config.top.right]
tl = m.model.moveRelative(m.model.rotate(u.rect(a_lot, size, [-size/2, -size/2]), tlp.r), tlp.p)
tr = m.model.moveRelative(m.model.rotate(u.rect(a_lot, size, [-a_lot+size/2, -size/2]), trp.r), trp.p)
tl = m.model.originate(tl)
tr = m.model.originate(tr)
const top_intersect = m.path.intersection(tl.paths.top, tr.paths.top).intersectionPoints[0]
console.log(tlp.p, tl, tl.paths.top, ',,,', trp.p, tr, tr.paths.top, top_intersect)
a: {
// models: {tl, tr},
paths: {
tll: tl.paths.top,
trl: tr.paths.top,
tl: u.circle(tlp.p, 1),
tr: u.circle(trp.p, 1),
c: u.circle(top_intersect, 1)
}, 'valami', true)
throw 2
// create the two bottoms
const blp = points[config.bottom.left]
const brp = points[config.bottom.right]
// create middle "patch"
const tll = new m.paths.Line(tlp.p, tlp.add([a_lot, 0]).rotate(tlp.r, tlp.p).p)
const trl = new m.paths.Line(trp.p, trp.add([a_lot, 0]).rotate(trp.r, trp.p).p)
const bll = new m.paths.Line(blp.p, blp.add([a_lot, 0]).rotate(blp.r, blp.p).p)
const brl = new m.paths.Line(brp.p, brp.add([a_lot, 0]).rotate(brp.r, brp.p).p)
const bottom_intersect = m.path.intersection(bll, brl).intersectionPoints[0]
console.log(tll, trl, top_intersect)
throw 2
for (const p of Object.values(points)) {
const r = new m.models.RoundRectangle(size, size, config.corner || 0)
exports.draw = (points, config) => {
const lefts = {}
const rights = {}
for (const [k, p] of Object.entries(points)) {
if (p.meta.mirrored) {
rights[k] = p
} else {
lefts[k] = p
// const lefts = {}
// const rights = {}
// for (const [k, p] of Object.entries(points)) {
// if (p.meta.mirrored) {
// rights[k] = p
// } else {
// lefts[k] = p
// }
// }
// TODO this is just a test
outline(points, 18, config.outline)

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ const Point = exports.Point = class Point {
mirror(x) {
this.x = 2 * x - this.x
this.r = 180 - this.r
this.r = -this.r
return this
@ -63,20 +63,15 @@ const Point = exports.Point = class Point {
const dump = exports.dump = (points, opts={}) => {
const line = (a, b) => ({
type: 'line',
origin: a,
end: b
const s = (opts.side || 14) / 2
const models = {}
for (const [key, point] of Object.entries(points)) {
const paths = {
l: line([-s, -s], [-s, s]),
t: line([-s, s], [ s, s]),
r: line([ s, s], [ s, -s]),
b: line([ s, -s], [-s, -s])
l: u.line([-s, -s], [-s, s]),
t: u.line([-s, s], [ s, s]),
r: u.line([ s, s], [ s, -s]),
b: u.line([ s, -s], [-s, -s])
models[key] = m.model.moveRelative(m.model.rotate({paths}, point.r), point.p)
@ -86,7 +81,8 @@ const dump = exports.dump = (points, opts={}) => {
units: 'mm'
fs.writeFileSync(`${opts.file || 'dump'}.json`, JSON.stringify(points, null, ' '))
fs.writeFileSync(`${opts.file || 'dump'}_points.json`, JSON.stringify(points, null, ' '))
fs.writeFileSync(`${opts.file || 'dump'}_assembly.json`, JSON.stringify(assembly, null, ' '))
fs.writeFileSync(`${opts.file || 'dump'}.dxf`, m.exporter.toDXF(assembly))

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@ -5,10 +5,40 @@ exports.deepcopy = (value) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
exports.dump_model = (model, file='model', json=false) => {
const assembly = m.model.originate({
models: model,
units: 'mm'
fs.writeFileSync(`${file}.dxf`, m.exporter.toDXF(assembly))
if (json) fs.writeFileSync(`${file}.json`, JSON.stringify(assembly, null, ' '))
fs.writeFileSync(`${file}.dxf`, m.exporter.toDXF(assembly))
const line = exports.line = (a, b) => {
return new m.paths.Line(a, b)
exports.circle = (p, r) => {
return new m.paths.Circle(p, r)
exports.rect = (w, h, o=[0, 0]) => {
return m.model.move({paths: {
top: line([0, h], [w, h]),
right: line([w, h], [w, 0]),
bottom: line([w, 0], [0, 0]),
left: line([0, 0], [0, h])
}}, o)
exports.poly = (arr) => {
let counter = 0
let prev = arr[arr.length - 1]
const res = {
paths: {}
for (const p of arr) {
res.paths['p' + (++counter)] = line(prev, p)
prev = p
return res