Outlines rewrite, part 2

This commit is contained in:
Bán Dénes 2022-01-10 13:44:57 +01:00
parent 6504b2b952
commit df7b76c610
3 changed files with 127 additions and 266 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const u = require('./utils')
const a = require('./assert')
const anchor = require('./anchor').parse
const anchor_lib = require('./anchor')
const anchor = anchor_lib.parse
const _true = () => true
const _and = arr => p => arr.map(e => e(p)).reduce((a, b) => a && b)
@ -100,13 +101,26 @@ const complex = (config, name, units, aggregator=_or) => {
exports.parse = (config, name, points={}, units={}) => {
exports.parse = (config, name, points={}, units={}, include_mirrors=false) => {
let result = []
// if a filter decl is an object, it is an anchor
if (a.type(config)() == 'object') {
return [anchor(config, name, points)(units)]
result.push(anchor(config, name, points)(units))
if (include_mirrors) {
// this is strict: if the ref of the anchor doesn't have a mirror pair, it will error out
result.push(anchor(config, name, points, true, undefined, true)(units))
// otherwise, it is treated as a condition to filter all available points
} else {
result = Object.values(points).filter(complex(config, name, units))
if (include_mirrors) {
// this is permissive: we only include mirrored versions if they exist, and don't fuss if they don't
result = result.concat(result.map(p => points[anchor_lib.mirror(p.meta.name)]).filter(p => !!p))
// otherwise, it is treated as a condition to filter all available points
return Object.values(points).filter(complex(config, name, units))
return result

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@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ const a = require('./assert')
const o = require('./operation')
const Point = require('./point')
const prep = require('./prepare')
const anchor_lib = require('./anchor')
const anchor = require('./anchor').parse
const filter = require('./filter').parse
const binding = (base, w, h, point, units) => {
const binding = (base, point, units, origin=[0, 0]) => {
let bind = a.trbl(point.meta.bind || 0, `${point.meta.name}.bind`)(units)
// if it's a mirrored key, we swap the left and right bind values
@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ const binding = (base, w, h, point, units) => {
bind = [bind[0], bind[3], bind[2], bind[1]]
const bbox = m.measure.modelExtents(base)
// TODO transition to bbox + origin computation
const bt = h/2 + Math.max(bind[0], 0)
const br = w/2 + Math.max(bind[1], 0)
const bd = -h/2 - Math.max(bind[2], 0)
@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ const binding = (base, w, h, point, units) => {
return base
const rectangle = (config, name, points, units) => {
const rectangle = (config, name, points, outlines, units) => {
// prepare params
a.unexpected(config, `${name}`, ['size', 'corner', 'bevel'])
@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ const rectangle = (config, name, points, units) => {
const bevel = a.sane(params.bevel || 0, `${export_name}.bevel`, 'number')(rec_units)
// return shape function
return (point, bound, mirror) => {
return (point, bound) => {
const error = (dim, val) => `Rectangle for "${name}" isn't ${dim} enough for its corner and bevel (${val} - 2 * ${corner} - 2 * ${bevel} <= 0)!`
const [w, h] = size
@ -66,167 +70,94 @@ const rectangle = (config, name, points, units) => {
if (corner > 0) rect = m.model.outline(rect, corner, 0)
rect = m.model.moveRelative(res, [corner + bevel, corner + bevel])
if (bound) rect = binding(rect, w, h, point, rec_units)
rect = point.position(rect)
let normal = u.deepcopy(rect)
if (bound) normal = binding(normal, w, h, point, rec_units)
normal = point.position(normal)
let mirrored
if (mirror) {
mirrored_name = anchor_lib.mirror(point.name)
return rect
const circle = (config, name, points, outlines, units) => {
// prepare params
a.unexpected(config, `${name}`, ['radius'])
const radius = a.sane(config.radius, `${name}.radius`, 'number')(units)
const circ_units = prep.extend({
r: radius
}, units)
// Actual layout
let left = {models: {}}
let right = {models: {}}
if (['left', 'right', 'middle', 'both'].includes(side)) {
for (const [pname, p] of Object.entries(points)) {
// filter by tags, if necessary
if (tags.length) {
const source = p.meta.tags || {}
const point_tags = Object.keys(source).filter(t => !!source[t])
const relevant = point_tags.some(pt => tags.includes(pt))
if (!relevant) continue
let from_x = -size[0] / 2, to_x = size[0] / 2
let from_y = -size[1] / 2, to_y = size[1] / 2
// the original position
let rect = rectangle(to_x - from_x, to_y - from_y, corner, bevel, `${export_name}.size`)
rect = m.model.moveRelative(rect, [from_x, from_y])
// extra binding "material", if necessary
if (bound) {
let bind = a.trbl(p.meta.bind || 0, `${pname}.bind`)(relative_units)
// if it's a mirrored key, we swap the left and right bind values
if (p.meta.mirrored) {
bind = [bind[0], bind[3], bind[2], bind[1]]
const bt = to_y + Math.max(bind[0], 0)
const br = to_x + Math.max(bind[1], 0)
const bd = from_y - Math.max(bind[2], 0)
const bl = from_x - Math.max(bind[3], 0)
if (bind[0] || bind[1]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(br, bt))
if (bind[1] || bind[2]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(br, -bd, [0, bd]))
if (bind[2] || bind[3]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(-bl, -bd, [bl, bd]))
if (bind[3] || bind[0]) rect = u.union(rect, u.rect(-bl, bt, [bl, 0]))
// positioning and unioning the resulting shape
rect = p.position(rect)
if (p.meta.mirrored) {
right = u.union(right, rect)
} else {
left = u.union(left, rect)
if (side == 'left') return left
if (side == 'right') return right
// allow opting out of gluing, when
// A) there are no glue definitions, or
// B) glue is explicitly set to false
const glue_opt_out = (!Object.keys(parsed_glue).length || params.glue === false)
let glue = {models: {}}
if (bound && ['middle', 'both', 'glue'].includes(side) && !glue_opt_out) {
const default_glue_name = Object.keys(parsed_glue)[0]
const computed_glue_name = a.sane(params.glue || default_glue_name, `${export_name}.glue`, 'string')()
const glue_def = parsed_glue[computed_glue_name]
a.assert(glue_def, `Field "${export_name}.glue" does not name a valid glue!`)
const get_line = (anchor) => {
if (a.type(anchor)(relative_units) == 'number') {
return u.line([anchor, -1000], [anchor, 1000])
// if it wasn't a number, then it's a (possibly relative) anchor
const from = anchor(relative_units).clone()
const to = from.clone().shift([from.meta.mirrored ? -1 : 1, 0])
return u.line(from.p, to.p)
const tll = get_line(glue_def.top.left)
const trl = get_line(glue_def.top.right)
const tip = m.path.converge(tll, trl)
if (!tip) {
throw new Error(`Top lines don't intersect in glue "${computed_glue_name}"!`)
const tlp = u.eq(tll.origin, tip) ? tll.end : tll.origin
const trp = u.eq(trl.origin, tip) ? trl.end : trl.origin
const bll = get_line(glue_def.bottom.left)
const brl = get_line(glue_def.bottom.right)
const bip = m.path.converge(bll, brl)
if (!bip) {
throw new Error(`Bottom lines don't intersect in glue "${computed_glue_name}"!`)
const blp = u.eq(bll.origin, bip) ? bll.end : bll.origin
const brp = u.eq(brl.origin, bip) ? brl.end : brl.origin
const left_waypoints = []
const right_waypoints = []
for (const w of glue_def.waypoints) {
const percent = w.percent / 100
const center_x = tip[0] + percent * (bip[0] - tip[0])
const center_y = tip[1] + percent * (bip[1] - tip[1])
const left_x = center_x - w.width[0]
const right_x = center_x + w.width[1]
left_waypoints.push([left_x, center_y])
right_waypoints.unshift([right_x, center_y])
let waypoints
const is_split = a.type(glue_def.top.right)(relative_units) == 'number'
if (is_split) {
waypoints = [tip, tlp]
.concat([blp, bip])
} else {
waypoints = [trp, tip, tlp]
.concat([blp, bip, brp])
glue = u.poly(waypoints)
if (side == 'glue') return glue
if (side == 'middle') {
let middle = u.subtract(glue, left)
middle = u.subtract(middle, right)
return middle
let both = u.union(u.deepcopy(left), glue)
both = u.union(both, u.deepcopy(right))
return both
// return shape function
return (point, bound) => {
let circle = u.circle([0, 0], radius)
if (bound) circle = binding(circle, radius, radius, point, circ_units)
circle = point.position(circle)
return circle
const polygon = (config, name, points, outlines, units) => {
// prepare params
a.unexpected(config, `${name}`, ['points'])
const poly_points = a.sane(config.points, `${name}.points`, 'array')()
// return shape function
return (point, bound) => {
const parsed_points = []
let last_anchor = new Point()
let poly_index = -1
for (const poly_point of poly_points) {
const poly_name = `${name}.points[${++poly_index}]`
last_anchor = anchor(poly_point, poly_name, points, true, last_anchor)(units)
let poly = u.poly(parsed_points)
const bbox = u.bbox(parsed_points)
if (bound) poly = binding(poly, bbox.high[0] - bbox.low[0], bbox.high[1] - bbox.low[1], point, units)
poly = point.position(poly)
return poly
const outline = (config, name, points, outlines, units) => {
// prepare params
a.unexpected(config, `${name}`, ['name', 'fillet', 'expand', 'origin'])
a.assert(outlines[config.name], `Field "${name}.name" does not name an existing outline!`)
const fillet = a.sane(config.fillet || 0, `${name}.fillet`, 'number')(units)
const expand = a.sane(config.expand || 0, `${name}.expand`, 'number')(units)
const origin = a.xy(config.origin, `${name}.origin`)(units)
// return shape function
return (point, bound) => {
let o = u.deepcopy(outlines[config.name])
o = m.model.moveRelative(o, [-origin[0], -origin[1]])
if (fillet) {
for (const [index, chain] of m.model.findChains(o).entries()) {
o.models[`fillet_${index}`] = m.chain.fillet(chain, fillet)
if (extend) {
const bbox = m.measure.modelExtents(o)
if (bound) o = binding(o, bbox.high[0] - bbox.low[0], bbox.high[1] - bbox.low[1], point, units)
o = point.position(o)
return o
const whats = {
exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}, units = {}) => {
// output outlines will be collected here
@ -256,34 +187,32 @@ exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}, units = {}) => {
// process keys that are common to all part declarations
const what = a.in(part.what || 'outline', `${name}.what`, ['rectangle', 'circle', 'polygon', 'outline'])
// where is delayed until we have all, potentially what-dependent units
const where = units => filter(part.where, `${name}.where`, points, units)
const operation = u[a.in(part.operation || 'add', `${name}.operation`, ['add', 'subtract', 'intersect', 'stack'])]
const bound = a.sane(part.bound === undefined ? true : part.bound, `${name}.bound`, 'boolean')()
const mirror = a.sane(part.mirror || false, `${name}.mirror`, 'boolean')()
const what = a.in(part.what || 'outline', `${name}.what`, ['rectangle', 'circle', 'polygon', 'outline'])
// `where` is delayed until we have all, potentially what-dependent units
// default where is the single default anchor (at [0,0])
const where = units => filter(part.where || {}, `${name}.where`, points, units, mirror)
// which are then removed, so ops can check their own unexpected keys
delete part.what
delete part.where
// these keys are then removed, so ops can check their own unexpected keys without interference
delete part.operation
delete part.bound
delete part.mirror
delete part.what
delete part.where
// a prototype "shape" maker (and its units) are computed
const [shape, shape_units] = whats[what](part, name, points, units)
const [shape_maker, shape_units] = whats[what](part, name, points, outlines, units)
// and then repeated for all where positions
// and then the shape is repeated for all where positions
for (const w of where(shape_units)) {
const [normal, mirrored] = shape(w, bound, mirror)
outlines[outline_name] = operation(outlines[outline_name], normal)
// and even their mirrors, if applicable
if (mirror) {
outlines[outline_name] = operation(outlines[outline_name], mirrored)
const shape = shape_maker(w, bound)
outlines[outline_name] = operation(outlines[outline_name], shape)
// final adjustments
@ -291,99 +220,3 @@ exports.parse = (config = {}, points = {}, units = {}) => {
return outlines
// let arg
// let anchor
// const anchor_def = part.anchor || {}
// switch (part.type) {
// case 'keys':
// arg = layout_fn(part, name, expected)
// break
// case 'rectangle':
// a.unexpected(part, name, expected.concat(['anchor', 'size', 'corner', 'bevel', 'mirror']))
// const size = a.wh(part.size, `${name}.size`)(units)
// const rec_units = prep.extend({
// sx: size[0],
// sy: size[1]
// }, units)
// anchor = anchor_lib.parse(anchor_def, `${name}.anchor`, points)(rec_units)
// const corner = a.sane(part.corner || 0, `${name}.corner`, 'number')(rec_units)
// const bevel = a.sane(part.bevel || 0, `${name}.bevel`, 'number')(rec_units)
// const rect_mirror = a.sane(part.mirror || false, `${name}.mirror`, 'boolean')()
// const rect = m.model.moveRelative(rectangle(size[0], size[1], corner, bevel, name), [-size[0]/2, -size[1]/2])
// arg = anchor.position(u.deepcopy(rect))
// if (rect_mirror) {
// const mirror_anchor = u.deepcopy(anchor_def)
// a.assert(mirror_anchor.ref, `Field "${name}.anchor.ref" must be speficied if mirroring is required!`)
// anchor = anchor_lib.parse(mirror_anchor, `${name}.anchor --> mirror`, points, undefined, undefined, true)(rec_units)
// arg = u.union(arg, anchor.position(u.deepcopy(rect)))
// }
// break
// case 'circle':
// a.unexpected(part, name, expected.concat(['anchor', 'radius', 'mirror']))
// const radius = a.sane(part.radius, `${name}.radius`, 'number')(units)
// const circle_units = prep.extend({
// r: radius
// }, units)
// anchor = anchor_lib.parse(anchor_def, `${name}.anchor`, points)(circle_units)
// const circle_mirror = a.sane(part.mirror || false, `${name}.mirror`, 'boolean')()
// arg = u.circle(anchor.p, radius)
// if (circle_mirror) {
// const mirror_anchor = u.deepcopy(anchor_def)
// a.assert(mirror_anchor.ref, `Field "${name}.anchor.ref" must be speficied if mirroring is required!`)
// anchor = anchor_lib.parse(mirror_anchor, `${name}.anchor --> mirror`, points, undefined, undefined, true)(circle_units)
// arg = u.union(arg, u.circle(anchor.p, radius))
// }
// break
// case 'polygon':
// a.unexpected(part, name, expected.concat(['points', 'mirror']))
// const poly_points = a.sane(part.points, `${name}.points`, 'array')()
// const poly_mirror = a.sane(part.mirror || false, `${name.mirror}`, 'boolean')()
// const parsed_points = []
// const mirror_points = []
// let poly_mirror_x = 0
// let last_anchor = new Point()
// let poly_index = 0
// for (const poly_point of poly_points) {
// const poly_name = `${name}.points[${++poly_index}]`
// if (poly_index == 1 && poly_mirror) {
// a.assert(poly_point.ref, `Field "${poly_name}.ref" must be speficied if mirroring is required!`)
// const mirrored_ref = anchor_lib.mirror(poly_point.ref, poly_mirror)
// a.assert(points[poly_point.ref], `Field "${poly_name}.ref" does not name an existing point!`)
// a.assert(points[mirrored_ref], `The mirror of field "${poly_name}.ref" ("${mirrored_ref}") does not name an existing point!`)
// poly_mirror_x = (points[poly_point.ref].x + points[mirrored_ref].x) / 2
// }
// last_anchor = anchor_lib.parse(poly_point, poly_name, points, true, last_anchor)(units)
// parsed_points.push(last_anchor.p)
// mirror_points.push(last_anchor.clone().mirror(poly_mirror_x).p)
// }
// arg = u.poly(parsed_points)
// if (poly_mirror) {
// arg = u.union(arg, u.poly(mirror_points))
// }
// break
// case 'outline':
// a.unexpected(part, name, expected.concat(['name', 'fillet']))
// a.assert(outlines[part.name], `Field "${name}.name" does not name an existing outline!`)
// const fillet = a.sane(part.fillet || 0, `${name}.fillet`, 'number')(units)
// arg = u.deepcopy(outlines[part.name])
// if (fillet) {
// for (const [index, chain] of m.model.findChains(arg).entries()) {
// arg.models[`fillet_${index}`] = m.chain.fillet(chain, fillet)
// }
// }
// break
// default:
// throw new Error(`Field "${name}.type" (${part.type}) does not name a valid outline part type!`)
// }
// result = op(result, arg)
// }
// m.model.originate(result)
// m.model.simplify(result)
// outlines[key] = result
// }
// return outlines
// }

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@ -54,6 +54,20 @@ exports.poly = (arr) => {
return res
exports.bbox = (arr) => {
let minx = Infinity
let miny = Infinity
let maxx = -Infinity
let maxy = -Infinity
for (const p of arr) {
minx = Math.min(minx, p[0])
miny = Math.min(miny, p[1])
maxx = Math.max(maxx, p[0])
maxy = Math.max(maxy, p[1])
return {low: [minx, miny], high: [maxx, maxy]}
const farPoint = [1234.1234, 2143.56789]
exports.union = exports.add = (a, b) => {