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Custom Keyboards
Started experimenting with custom keyboard design and fabrication. See the designs here.
For the last several years I have been using the GergoPlex keyboard. I love the ultra-thin profile, and the perfect balance it achieves with having just the right number of keys. That being said, there are a couple of changes I’ve wanted to make.
My first new keyboard, Chrysemys, is very heavily inspired by the GergoPlex, however it is a single piece rather than two half boards connected with a cable. I have also moved the thumb keys out towards the center a bit, added Bluetooth connectivity, and used even thinner switches. This board is an experiment, and has allowed me to learn a tremendous amount about designing circuits and keyboards specifically. I imagine there will be many more custom keyboards in my future.
Some ideas I want to experiment with:
- Adding an optical encoder and roller bearings to support a track ball.
- Adding a salvaged TrackPoint under the right hand index finger (obviously not on the same keyboard as the trackball).
- Integrate the MCU into the board, rather than using a separate socketed board.
187 Words
2022-04-30 17:00 -0700