# Keyboards by Tony Resources and designs for the custom keyboards I have created. ## The Keyboards ### Chrysemys [Source Files](https://git.sr.ht/~tgrosinger/keyboards/tree/main/item/chrysemys) A 34-key single-board keyboard created with [Ergogen](https://ergogen.xyz). Powered by a ProMicro-compatible board, such as the nice!nano. This keyboard is my first attempt at using Ergogen, and my first custom keyboard, so it will likely be rough around the edges. I predict there will be future keyboards listed here which refine the ideas implemented in this board. ### Pseudacris [Source Files](https://git.sr.ht/~tgrosinger/keyboards/tree/main/item/pseudacris) A 34-key single-board keyboard created with [Ergogen](https://ergogen.xyz). Powered by an integrated MCU, derived directly from the [nRFMicro](https://github.com/joric/nrfmicro/). This keyboard is almost identical to Chrysemys, but switches to normal Choc switches, adds hotswap, and moves the switches closer together. ### Future Keyboards Eventually I would like to build a keyboard which has an integrated trackpoint, trackpad, or trackball. It will likely be based on Pseudacris. ## License All files in this repository are covered by the GPLv3 license. See the [LICENSE](https://git.sr.ht/~tgrosinger/keyboards/tree/main/item/LICENSE) file for more information.