FROM node:10-alpine MAINTAINER OhMyForm # Install some needed packages RUN apk add --no-cache \ git \ && rm -rf /tmp/* ## TODO: Crush these consecutive RUN's into a single run if possible. # Install NPM Global Libraries RUN npm install --quiet -g grunt bower pm2 && npm cache clean --force WORKDIR /opt/app RUN mkdir -p /opt/app/public/lib ## TODO: Optimize layers here as copy layers can be easily reduced if saner COPY usage is achieved. # Add bower.json COPY bower.json /opt/app/bower.json COPY .bowerrc /opt/app/.bowerrc COPY ./process.yml /opt/app/process.yml COPY ./app /opt/app/app COPY ./public /opt/app/public COPY ./config /opt/app/config COPY ./gruntfile.js /opt/app/gruntfile.js COPY ./server.js /opt/app/server.js COPY ./scripts/create_admin.js /opt/app/scripts/create_admin.js ## TODO: Find a method that's better than this for passing ENV's if possible. # Set default ENV ENV NODE_ENV=development ENV SECRET_KEY=ChangeMeChangeMe #ENV MONGODB_URI=mongodb://mongo/ohmyform #ENV REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 ENV PORT=5000 ENV BASE_URL=localhost ENV SOCKET_PORT=20523 ENV SIGNUP_DISABLED=FALSE ENV SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED=FALSE ENV ENABLE_CLUSTER_MODE=FALSE ENV MAILER_EMAIL_ID=ohmyform@localhost ENV MAILER_PASSWORD= ENV MAILER_FROM=ohmyform@localhost ENV MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER= ENV MAILER_SMTP_HOST= ENV MAILER_SMTP_PORT= ENV MAILER_SMTP_SECURE= ENV CREATE_ADMIN=FALSE ENV ENV ADMIN_USERNAME=root ENV ADMIN_PASSWORD=root ENV APP_NAME=OhMyForm ENV APP_KEYWORDS= ENV APP_DESC= # optional ENV settings ENV COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN= ENV GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID= ENV RAVEN_DSN= ## TODO: Determine if it's necessary to have this COPY be it's own separate operation. # Copies the local package.json file to the container # and utilities docker container cache to not needing to rebuild # and install node_modules/ everytime we build the docker, but only # when the local package.json file changes. # Add npm package.json COPY ./package.json /opt/app/package.json RUN npm install --only=production --quiet RUN bower install --allow-root RUN grunt build ## TODO: Determine if it would be possible to do a multi stage container where the prebuilt app is copied with nothing else from the build step. ## TODO: Make this configure things on startup in a sane way or don't if the operator passes any configuration files perhaps via a # Run OhMyForm server CMD ["node", "server.js"]