TellForm 2.1.0
An opensource alternative to TypeForm that can create stunning mobile-ready forms , surveys and questionnaires.
Table of Contents
- Features
- How to Contribute
- Quickstart
- Deploying with Docker
- Testing your Application
- Advanced Configuration
- Where to Get Help
- Sponsors
- Backers
- Contributors
- Mentions on the Web
Currently following features are implemented:
- Multi-Language Support
- 11 possible question types
- Editable start and end pages
- Export Submissions to XLS, JSON or CSV
- Native Analytics and Google Analytics Support
- Custom Subdomains for each User
- Embeddable Forms
- Forms as a Service API
- Deployable with Heroku and DockerHub
On the Roadmap for v3.0.0
- Implement encryption for all form data
- Add Typeform API integration
- Add plugin/3rd party integration support (ala Slack)
- Create wiki for easy installation and setup
- Add Stripe/Payment Form field
- Add Custom Background and Dropdown Field Images
- Add File Upload Form Field
How to Contribute
Please checkout our on ways to contribute to TellForm.
All contributors are eligible to get a free TellForm Sticker. All you have to do is submit a PR, get it accepted, email your address to team [at] and we'll send you a sticker that you can proudly put on your laptop.
Before you start, make sure you have
- Redis installed and running at
- MongoDB installed and running at (OR specify the host and port in config/env/all)
Also make sure to install DNS Masq or equivalent if running it locally on your computer (look at dns_masq_setup_osx for instructions on OSX)
Install dependencies first.
$ npm install
$ bower install
Setup environment.
$ grunt build
Create your user account
$ node ./scripts/setup.js
OR create your .env file
# Mail config
# Use this for one of Nodemailer's pre-configured service providers
# Use these for a custom service provider
Side note: Currently we are using Raven and Sentry for error logging. To use it you must provide a valid private DSN key in your .env file and a public DSN key in app/views/layout.index.html
To run the development version:
Set NODE_ENV=development
in .env file
$ grunt
To run the production version:
Set NODE_ENV=production
in .env file
$ grunt
Your application should run on port 3000 or the port you specified in your .env file, so in your browser just go to http://localhost:3000
Deploying with Docker
To deploy with docker, first install docker here.
Then see this page here for commands on how to deploy your own local TellForm instance.
Testing Your Application
You can run the full test suite included with TellForm with the test task:
$ grunt test
This will run both the server-side tests (located in the app/tests/ directory) and the client-side tests (located in the public/modules/*/tests/).
To execute only the server tests, run the test:server task:
$ grunt test:server
And to run only the client tests, run the test:client task:
$ grunt test:client
Currently the live example uses heroku github deployments. The Docker file is out of date and does not work. If someone wishes to get it working feel free to submit a pull request.
To calculate your total test coverage with Istanbul, run the coverage task
$ grunt coverage
To calculate your server-side test coverage with Istanbul, run the coverage task
$ grunt coverage:server
To calculate your client-side test coverage with Istanbul, run the coverage task
$ grunt coverage:client
TellForm's configuration is done with environment variables. To set an option for TellForm, open/create your .env file and set add ENV_VAR=somevalue
to set the ENV_VAR variable to the value somevalue
Property | Valid Values | Default Value | Description | Required? |
NODE_ENV | "development", "production", "test" or "secure" | development | Set which version of the app you want to run (either secure/SSL, dev, prod or test) | No |
SESSION_SECRET | Any string | CHANGE_ME_PLEASE | Value used to compute session hash | No |
BASE_URL | A valid URL | localhost:3000 | URL where the admin panel will live | Yes |
MONGODB_URI | A valid MongoDB URI | localhost/mean | URI of the MONGODB server/db that your server will use | Yes |
REDIS_URL | A valid Redis URI | redis:// | URI of the Redis instance that your server will use | Only if ENABLE_CLUSTER_MODE=TRUE |
SOCKET_PORT | A valid port number from 0 - 65535 | 20523 | Port that your SocketIO server will bind to | No |
SOCKET_URL | A valid URL | | Url that your SocketIO server will bind to | No |
SIGNUP_DISABLED | "TRUE" or "FALSE" | FALSE | Set this flag to disable signups. | No |
SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED | "TRUE" or "FALSE" | FALSE | Set this flag to disable subdomains. (Useful if hosting behind an uncontrolled domain or without a wildcard SSL cert) | No |
ENABLE_CLUSTER_MODE | "TRUE" or "FALSE" | FALSE | Disable support for running TellForm with pm2's cluster mode. Disabling this allows you to not run a Redis instance. | No |
MAILER_EMAIL_ID | A string | N/A | Username credential for the SMTP MAIL service used to send signup/verification/lost password emails. | Yes |
MAILER_PASSWORD | A string | Password credential for the SMTP MAIL service used to send signup/verification/lost password emails. | Yes | |
MAILER_FROM | A valid email | | Email address that all mail should be sent from. | No |
MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER | A service from | A "well-known" email service that is supported by nodemail. If MAILER_SMTP_HOST is enabled, this is ignored. | Only if MAILER_SMTP_HOST is not set | |
MAILER_SMTP_HOST | A valid URL | URL to the SMTP server of your choice | Only if MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER is not set | |
MAILER_SMTP_PORT | A valid port number from 0 - 65535 | Port of the SMTP server of your choice. | Only if MAILER_SMTP_HOST is set | |
MAILER_SMTP_SECURE | "TRUE" or "FALSE" | FALSE | Boolean that enables/disables SSL support for your SMTP client. | Only if MAILER_SMTP_HOST is set |
CREATE_ADMIN | "TRUE" or "FALSE" | FALSE | Setting this variable will create a admin user on startup with credentials as specified below | No |
ADMIN_EMAIL | A valid email | | Email of generated admin user | No |
ADMIN_USERNAME | A string | root | Username of generated admin user | No |
ADMIN_PASSWORD | A string | root | Password of generated admin user | No |
APP_NAME | A string | TellForm | Sets the |