{ "data" : { "sources" : "The video sources for the video player. This includes the .mp4, .webm, and .ogg file to support all browsers.", "playing": "A boolean value that will indicate whether the video is currently playing or not.", "controls" : "A boolean value to show or hide the controls on the video player.", "muted" : "A boolean value that will mute or unmute the video player.", "fullscreen" : "A boolean value that will toggle the video to fullscreen.", "ended" : "A boolean value that will indicate whether the video has ended or not.", "mouseleave" : "A boolean value that will indicate whether or not the users mouse has left the video player.", "autoHideControlsDelay": "Delay in milliseconds before the controls will hide.", "controlsHideTimeout" : "The timeout interval event for hiding the controls.", "poster" : "The poster image for the video player.", "videoDuration" : "The total duration of the current video", "timeDurationString": "The duration of the video in '00:00' format", "timeElapsedString": "The time elapsed of the video in '00:00' format", "showTime" : "A boolean value that will indicate whether the time should be shown or not.", "volume" : "The current volume of the video player.", "volumeBeforeMute" : "We need to store the volume before we mute the video player so that we can unmute it to the correct volume.", "videoPlayerReady" : "A boolean value that will indicate whether the video player is ready to play or not.", "timelineSeek(e)" : "A function that will seek to a specific time in the video.", "metaDataLoaded(event)" : "A function that will be called when the video meta data has loaded.", "togglePlay(e)" : "A function that will toggle the video player between playing and paused.", "toggleMute()" : "A function that will toggle the video player between muted and unmuted.", "timeUpdatedInterval()" : "An interval method that will continuously be called as the video is playing.", "updateVolume(e)" : "A function that will update the volume of the video player.", "timelineClicked(e)" : "A function that will seek to a specific time in the video when the timeline is clicked.", "handleFullscreen()" : "A function that will set document.fullscreenElement or exit the fullscreen.", "mousemoveVideo()" : "A function that will fire when a mouse move event is triggered over the video.", "videoEnded()" : "A function that will fire when the video has ended.", "resetControlsTimeout()" : "A function that will reset the controls timeout.", "formatTime(timeInSeconds)" : "A function that will convert `seconds` to minutes and seconds" } }