
16 lines
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"data" : {
"tabSelected" : "The index value of the currently selected tab. (starts at 1, not 0)",
"tabId": "This is a unique ID that will be applied to the tab element. You can keep this as is or change it to something more meaningful.",
"tabButtonClicked(tabButton)" : "A method that will be called when a tab button is clicked. The tab button element will be passed as a parameter.",
"tabRepositionMarker(tabButton)" : "This method will reposition the tab marker.",
"tabContentActive(tabContent)" : "This method will return true or false if the tab content is active. The tab content element should be passed as a parameter."
"alert_notification" : {
"title" : "Adding your own tabs and content",
"description" : "To add your own buttons, you will need to add a button inside the <strong>x-ref=\"tabButtons\"</strong> element. More info below on how to implement new buttons and content."
"additional" : {
"description" : "<p>Each tab button needs to contain the following attributes <strong>:id=\"$id(tabId)\" @click=\"tabButtonClicked($el)\"</strong>. Each button will sequentially show or hide any content element with the following attributes <strong>:id=\"$id(tabId + '-content')\" x-show=\"tabContentActive($el)\"</strong>. See example one below for a simple demo of this functionality.</p>"