German Layout for the ErgoDox
This layout is inspired by the "kinesis-qwerty-mod" from benblazak's ergodox-firmware, as well as by the "german" layout from the qmk_firmware. The goal was to have a layout that is pretty close to an ordinary German keyboard, so I don't have to make adjustments on the operating system level and I keep some of the muscle memory to use a regular keyboard.
Modifications I made with regard to the aforementioned layouts:
The key layout is pretty close to the layout of a German Kinesis Ergo Elan. The only exception I made is that I reversed the "up" and "down" cursor keys, since that feels more natural to me.
All layer changes are "momentary", i.e. they only last as long as the respective key is pressed.
I sacrificed the Hyper and Meh keys, which I don't use, and put layer change keys in their place.
I added a PrintScreen key which I use quite regularly for screenshots.
Default Layer
Code Layer
Media Layer
Christoph Schmitz <schm4704 at web dot de> 2016-01-28