Updated README.

This commit is contained in:
mikestefanello 2021-12-28 20:04:58 -05:00
parent 2c30e86c9d
commit 0dde8859bd

View File

@ -44,17 +44,22 @@
* [Request / Request helpers](#request--response-helpers)
* [Goquery](#goquery)
* [Controller](#controller)
* [Page](#)
* [Flash messaging](#)
* [Pager](#)
* [CSRF](#)
* [Automatic template parsing](#)
* [Cached responses](#)
* [Cache tags](#)
* [Forms](#)
* [Submission processing](#)
* [Inline validation](#)
* [HTMX support](#)
* [Page](#page)
* [Flash messaging](#flash-messaging)
* [Pager](#pager)
* [CSRF](#csrf)
* [Automatic template parsing](#automatic-template-parsing)
* [Cached responses](#cached-responses)
* [Cache tags](#cache-tags)
* [Data](#data)
* [Forms](#forms)
* [Submission processing](#submission-processing)
* [Inline validation](#inline-validation)
* [Headers](#headers)
* [Status code](#status-code)
* [Metatags](#metatags)
* [HTMX support](#htmx-support)
* [Rendering the page](#rendering-the-page)
* [Template renderer](#template-renderer)
* [Caching](#)
* [Hot-reload for development](#)
@ -67,6 +72,7 @@
* Cache-buster
* [Email](#email)
* [HTTPS](#https)
* [Logging](#logging)
* [Roadmap](#roadmap)
* [Credits](#credits)
@ -261,7 +267,7 @@ This executes a database query to return all _password token_ entities that belo
## Sessions
Sessions are provided and handled via [Gorilla sessions](https://github.com/gorilla/sessions) and configured in the router located at `routes/router.go`. Session data is currently stored in cookies but there are many [options](https://github.com/gorilla/sessions#store-implementations) available if you wish to use something else.
Sessions are provided and handled via [Gorilla sessions](https://github.com/gorilla/sessions) and configured as middleware in the router located at `routes/router.go`. Session data is currently stored in cookies but there are many [options](https://github.com/gorilla/sessions#store-implementations) available if you wish to use something else.
Here's a simple example of loading data from a session and saving new values:
@ -281,6 +287,8 @@ func SomeFunction(ctx echo.Context) error {
Included are standard authentication features you expect in any web application. Authentication functionality is bundled as a _Service_ within `services/AuthClient` and added to the `Container`. If you wish to handle authentication in a different manner, you could swap this client out or modify it as needed.
Authentication currently requires [sessions](#sessions) and the session middleware.
### Login / Logout
The `AuthClient` has methods `Login()` and `Logout()` to log a user in or out. To track a user's authentication state, data is stored in the session including the user ID and authentication status.
@ -406,4 +414,120 @@ Here is a simple example of how to use it, along with [testify](https://github.c
h1 := doc.Find("h1.title")
assert.Len(t, h1.Nodes, 1)
assert.Equal(t, "About", h1.Text())
## Controller
As previously mentioned, the `Controller` acts as a base for your routes, though it is optional. It stores the `Container` which houses all _Services_ (_dependencies_) but also a wide array of functionality aimed at allowing you to build complex responses with ease and consistency.
### Page
The `Page` is the major building block of your `Controller` responses. It is a _struct_ type located at `controller/page.go`. The concept of the `Page` is that it provides a consistent structure for building responses and transmitting data and functionality to the templates.
All example routes provided construct and _render_ a `Page`. It's recommended that you review both the `Page` and the example routes as they try to illustrate all included functionality.
As you develop your application, the `Page` can be easily extended to include whatever data or functions you want to provide to your templates.
Initializing a new page is simple:
func (c *Home) Get(ctx echo.Context) error {
page := controller.NewPage(ctx)
Using the `echo.Context`, the `Page` will be initialized with the following fields populated:
- `Context`: The passed in _context_
- `ToURL`: A function the templates can use to generate a URL with a given route name and parameters
- `Path`: The requested URL path
- `URL`: The requested URL
- `StatusCode`: Defaults to 200
- `Pager`: Initialized `Pager` (see below)
- `RequestID`: The request ID, if the middleware is being used
- `IsHome`: If the request was for the homepage
- `IsAuth`: If the user is authenticated
- `AuthUser`: The logged in user entity, if one
- `CSRF`: The CSRF token, if the middleware is being used
- `HTMX.Request`: Data from the HTMX headers, if HTMX made the request (see below)
### Flash messaging
While flash messaging functionality is provided outside of the `Controller` and `Page`, within the `msg` package, it's really only used within this context.
Flash messaging requires that [sessions](#sessions) and the session middleware are in place since that is where the messages are stored.
#### Creating messages
There are four types of messages, and each can be created as follows:
- Success: `msg.Success(ctx echo.Context, message string)`
- Info: `msg.Info(ctx echo.Context, message string)`
- Warning: `msg.Warning(ctx echo.Context, message string)`
- Danger: `msg.Danger(ctx echo.Context, message string)`
The _message_ string can contain HTML.
#### Rendering messages
When a flash message is retrieved from storage in order to be rendered, it is deleted from storage so that it cannot be rendered again.
The `Page` has a method that can be used to fetch messages for a given type from within the template: `Page.GetMessages(typ msg.Type)`. This is used rather than the _funcmap_ because the `Page` contains the request context which is required in order to access the session data. Since the `Page` is the data destined for the templates, you can use: `{{.GetMessages "success"}}` for example.
To make things easier, a template _component_ is already provided, located at `templates/components/messages.gohtml`. This will render all messages of all types simply by using `{{template "messages" .}}` either within your page or layout template.
### Pager
A very basic mechanism is provided to handle and facilitate paging located in `controller/pager.go`. When a `Page` is initialized, so is a `Pager` at `Page.Pager`. If the requested URL contains a `page` query parameter with a numeric value, that will be set as the page number in the pager.
During initialization, the _items per page_ amount will be set to the default, controlled via constant, which has a value of 20. It can be overridden by changing `Pager.ItemsPerPage` but should be done before other values are set in order to not provide incorrect calculations.
Methods include:
- `SetItems(items int)`: Set the total amount of items in the entire result-set
- `IsBeginning()`: Determine if the pager is at the beginning of the pages
- `IsEnd()`: Determine if the pager is at the end of the pages
- `GetOffset()`: Get the offset which can be useful is constructing a paged database query
There is currently no template (yet) to easily render a pager.
### CSRF
By default, all non GET requests will require a CSRF token be provided as a form value. This is provided by middleware and can be adjusted or removed in the router.
The `Page` will contain the CSRF token for the given request. There is a CSRF helper component template which can be used to easily render a hidden form element in your form which will contain the CSRF token and the proper element name. Simply include `{{template "csrf" .}}` within your form.
### Automatic template parsing
Dealing with templates can be quite tedious and annoying so the `Page` aims to make it as simple as possible with the help of the [template renderer](#template-renderer). To start, templates for _pages_ are grouped in the following directories within the `templates` directory:
- `layouts`: Base templates that provide the entire HTML wrapper/layout. This template should include a call to `{{template "content" .}}` to render the content of the `Page`.
- `pages`: Templates that are specific for a given route/page. These must contain `{{define "content"}}{{end}}` which will be injected in to the _layout_ template.
- `components`: A shared library of common components that the layout and base template can leverage.
Specifying which templates to render for a given `Page` is as easy as:
page.Name = "home"
page.Layout = "main"
That alone will result in the following templates being parsed and executed when the `Page` is rendered:
1) `layouts/main.gohtml` as the base template
2) `pages/home.gohtml` to provide the `content` template for the layout
3) All template files located within the `components` directory
4) The entire [funcmap](#funcmap)
The [template renderer](#template-renderer) also provides caching and local hot-reloading.
### Cached responses
### Cache tags
### Data
### Forms
#### Submission processing
#### Inline validation
### Headers
### Status code
### Metatags
### HTMX support
### Rendering the page