package routes import ( "net/http" "goweb/config" "goweb/controller" "goweb/middleware" "" "" "" "" echomw "" "goweb/container" ) type Validator struct { validator *validator.Validate } func (v *Validator) Validate(i interface{}) error { if err := v.validator.Struct(i); err != nil { return err } return nil } // TODO: This is doing more than building the router func BuildRouter(c *container.Container) { // Static files with proper cache control // funcmap.File() should be used in templates to append a cache key to the URL in order to break cache // after each server restart c.Web.Group("", middleware.CacheControl(c.Config.Cache.Expiration.StaticFile)). Static(config.StaticPrefix, config.StaticDir) // Middleware g := c.Web.Group("", echomw.RemoveTrailingSlashWithConfig(echomw.TrailingSlashConfig{ RedirectCode: http.StatusMovedPermanently, }), echomw.Recover(), echomw.Secure(), echomw.RequestID(), echomw.Gzip(), echomw.Logger(), middleware.LogRequestID(), echomw.TimeoutWithConfig(echomw.TimeoutConfig{ Timeout: c.Config.App.Timeout, }), middleware.PageCache(c.Cache), session.Middleware(sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(c.Config.App.EncryptionKey))), echomw.CSRFWithConfig(echomw.CSRFConfig{ TokenLookup: "form:csrf", }), middleware.LoadAuthenticatedUser(c.Auth), ) // Base controller ctr := controller.NewController(c) // Error handler err := Error{Controller: ctr} c.Web.HTTPErrorHandler = err.Get // Validator c.Web.Validator = &Validator{validator: validator.New()} // Routes navRoutes(c, g, ctr) userRoutes(c, g, ctr) } func navRoutes(c *container.Container, g *echo.Group, ctr controller.Controller) { home := Home{Controller: ctr} g.GET("/", home.Get).Name = "home" about := About{Controller: ctr} g.GET("/about", about.Get).Name = "about" contact := Contact{Controller: ctr} g.GET("/contact", contact.Get).Name = "contact" g.POST("/contact", contact.Post).Name = "" } func userRoutes(c *container.Container, g *echo.Group, ctr controller.Controller) { logout := Logout{Controller: ctr} g.GET("/logout", logout.Get, middleware.RequireAuthentication()).Name = "logout" noAuth := g.Group("/user", middleware.RequireNoAuthentication()) login := Login{Controller: ctr} noAuth.GET("/login", login.Get).Name = "login" noAuth.POST("/login", login.Post).Name = "" register := Register{Controller: ctr} noAuth.GET("/register", register.Get).Name = "register" noAuth.POST("/register", register.Post).Name = "" forgot := ForgotPassword{Controller: ctr} noAuth.GET("/password", forgot.Get).Name = "forgot_password" noAuth.POST("/password", forgot.Post).Name = "" resetGroup := noAuth.Group("/password/reset", middleware.LoadValidPasswordToken(c.Auth)) reset := ResetPassword{Controller: ctr} resetGroup.GET("/token/:password_token", reset.Get).Name = "reset_password" resetGroup.POST("/token/:password_token", reset.Post).Name = "" }