389 lines
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389 lines
9.8 KiB
package handlers
import (
const (
routeNameForgotPassword = "forgot_password"
routeNameForgotPasswordSubmit = "forgot_password.submit"
routeNameLogin = "login"
routeNameLoginSubmit = "login.submit"
routeNameLogout = "logout"
routeNameRegister = "register"
routeNameRegisterSubmit = "register.submit"
routeNameResetPassword = "reset_password"
routeNameResetPasswordSubmit = "reset_password.submit"
routeNameVerifyEmail = "verify_email"
type (
Auth struct {
auth *services.AuthClient
mail *services.MailClient
db *services.DBClient
func init() {
func (h *Auth) Init(c *services.Container) error {
h.TemplateRenderer = c.TemplateRenderer
h.db = c.DB
h.auth = c.Auth
h.mail = c.Mail
return nil
func (h *Auth) Routes(g *echo.Group) {
g.GET("/logout", h.Logout, middleware.RequireAuthentication()).Name = routeNameLogout
g.GET("/email/verify/:token", h.VerifyEmail).Name = routeNameVerifyEmail
noAuth := g.Group("/user", middleware.RequireNoAuthentication())
noAuth.GET("/login", h.LoginPage).Name = routeNameLogin
noAuth.POST("/login", h.LoginSubmit).Name = routeNameLoginSubmit
noAuth.GET("/register", h.RegisterPage).Name = routeNameRegister
noAuth.POST("/register", h.RegisterSubmit).Name = routeNameRegisterSubmit
noAuth.GET("/password", h.ForgotPasswordPage).Name = routeNameForgotPassword
noAuth.POST("/password", h.ForgotPasswordSubmit).Name = routeNameForgotPasswordSubmit
resetGroup := noAuth.Group("/password/reset",
resetGroup.GET("/token/:user/:password_token/:token", h.ResetPasswordPage).Name = routeNameResetPassword
resetGroup.POST("/token/:user/:password_token/:token", h.ResetPasswordSubmit).Name = routeNameResetPasswordSubmit
func (h *Auth) ForgotPasswordPage(ctx echo.Context) error {
p := page.New(ctx)
p.Title = "Forgot password"
p.LayoutComponent = layouts.Auth
f := form.Get[pages.ForgotPasswordForm](ctx)
component := pages.ForgotPassword(p, f)
return h.RenderPageTempl(ctx, p, component)
func (h *Auth) ForgotPasswordSubmit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var input pages.ForgotPasswordForm
succeed := func() error {
msg.Success(ctx, "An email containing a link to reset your password will be sent to this address if it exists in our system.")
return h.ForgotPasswordPage(ctx)
err := form.Submit(ctx, &input)
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
case validator.ValidationErrors:
return h.ForgotPasswordPage(ctx)
return err
// Attempt to load the user
u, err := h.db.C.GetUserByEmail(ctx.Request().Context(), strings.ToLower(input.Email))
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return succeed()
} else if err != nil {
return fail(err, "error querying user during forgot password")
// Generate the token
token, pt, err := h.auth.GeneratePasswordResetToken(ctx, u.ID)
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "error generating password reset token")
log.Ctx(ctx).Info("generated password reset token",
"user_id", u.ID,
// Email the user
url := ctx.Echo().Reverse(routeNameResetPassword, u.ID, pt.ID, token)
err = h.mail.
Subject("Reset your password").
Body(fmt.Sprintf("Go here to reset your password: %s", url)).
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "error sending password reset email")
return succeed()
func (h *Auth) LoginPage(ctx echo.Context) error {
p := page.New(ctx)
p.Title = "Log in"
p.LayoutComponent = layouts.Auth
f := form.Get[pages.LoginForm](ctx)
component := pages.Login(p, f)
return h.RenderPageTempl(ctx, p, component)
func (h *Auth) LoginSubmit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var input pages.LoginForm
authFailed := func() error {
input.SetFieldError("Email", "")
input.SetFieldError("Password", "")
msg.Danger(ctx, "Invalid credentials. Please try again.")
return h.LoginPage(ctx)
err := form.Submit(ctx, &input)
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
case validator.ValidationErrors:
return h.LoginPage(ctx)
return err
// Attempt to load the user
u, err := h.db.C.GetUserByEmail(ctx.Request().Context(), strings.ToLower(input.Email))
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return authFailed()
} else if err != nil {
return fail(err, "error querying user during login")
// Check if the password is correct
err = h.auth.CheckPassword(input.Password, u.Password)
if err != nil {
return authFailed()
// Log the user in
err = h.auth.Login(ctx, u.ID)
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "unable to log in user")
msg.Success(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Welcome back, <strong>%s</strong>. You are now logged in.", u.Name))
return redirect.New(ctx).
func (h *Auth) Logout(ctx echo.Context) error {
if err := h.auth.Logout(ctx); err == nil {
msg.Success(ctx, "You have been logged out successfully.")
} else {
msg.Danger(ctx, "An error occurred. Please try again.")
return redirect.New(ctx).
func (h *Auth) RegisterPage(ctx echo.Context) error {
p := page.New(ctx)
p.Title = "Register"
p.LayoutComponent = layouts.Auth
f := form.Get[pages.RegisterForm](ctx)
component := pages.Register(p, f)
return h.RenderPageTempl(ctx, p, component)
func (h *Auth) RegisterSubmit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var input pages.RegisterForm
err := form.Submit(ctx, &input)
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
case validator.ValidationErrors:
return h.RegisterPage(ctx)
return err
// Hash the password
pwHash, err := h.auth.HashPassword(input.Password)
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "unable to hash password")
// Attempt creating the user
u, err := h.db.C.CreateUser(ctx.Request().Context(), sqlc.CreateUserParams{
Name: input.Name,
Email: input.Email,
Password: pwHash,
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "UNIQUE constraint failed") {
msg.Warning(ctx, "A user with this email address already exists. Please log in.")
return redirect.New(ctx).
return fail(err, "unable to create user")
log.Ctx(ctx).Info("user created",
"user_name", u.Name,
"user_id", u.ID,
// Log the user in
err = h.auth.Login(ctx, u.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Error("unable to log user in",
"error", err,
"user_id", u.ID,
msg.Info(ctx, "Your account has been created.")
return redirect.New(ctx).
msg.Success(ctx, "Your account has been created. You are now logged in.")
// Send the verification email
h.sendVerificationEmail(ctx, u)
return redirect.New(ctx).
func (h *Auth) sendVerificationEmail(ctx echo.Context, usr sqlc.User) {
// Generate a token
token, err := h.auth.GenerateEmailVerificationToken(usr.Email)
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Error("unable to generate email verification token",
"user_id", usr.ID,
"error", err,
// Send the email
url := ctx.Echo().Reverse(routeNameVerifyEmail, token)
err = h.mail.
Subject("Confirm your email address").
Body(fmt.Sprintf("Click here to confirm your email address: %s", url)).
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Error("unable to send email verification link",
"user_id", usr.ID,
"error", err,
msg.Info(ctx, "An email was sent to you to verify your email address.")
func (h *Auth) ResetPasswordPage(ctx echo.Context) error {
p := page.New(ctx)
p.Title = "Reset password"
p.LayoutComponent = layouts.Auth
f := form.Get[pages.ResetPasswordForm](ctx)
component := pages.ResetPassword(p, f)
return h.RenderPageTempl(ctx, p, component)
func (h *Auth) ResetPasswordSubmit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var input pages.ResetPasswordForm
err := form.Submit(ctx, &input)
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
case validator.ValidationErrors:
return h.ResetPasswordPage(ctx)
return err
// Hash the new password
hash, err := h.auth.HashPassword(input.Password)
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "unable to hash password")
// Get the requesting user
usr := ctx.Get(context.UserKey).(*sqlc.User)
// Update the user
err = h.db.C.UpdateUserPassword(ctx.Request().Context(), sqlc.UpdateUserPasswordParams{
Password: hash,
ID: usr.ID,
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "unable to update password")
// Delete all password tokens for this user
err = h.auth.DeletePasswordTokens(ctx, usr.ID)
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "unable to delete password tokens")
msg.Success(ctx, "Your password has been updated.")
return redirect.New(ctx).
func (h *Auth) VerifyEmail(ctx echo.Context) error {
token := ctx.Param("token")
email, err := h.auth.ValidateEmailVerificationToken(token)
if err != nil {
msg.Warning(ctx, "The link is either invalid or has expired.")
return redirect.New(ctx).
err = h.db.C.UpdateUserSetVerified(ctx.Request().Context(), email)
if err != nil {
return fail(err, "failed to set user as verified")
msg.Success(ctx, "Your email has been successfully verified.")
return redirect.New(ctx).