# West Sound Hall Website This is the website for the West Sound Hall and Community Club on Orcas Island, WA. https://westsoundhall.org ## Running Pre-build containers are created whenever a version is tagged in this repository. Pull the [latest version](https://git.grosinger.net/tgrosinger/-/packages/container/west-sound-hall/) and run on a server with Docker available. ```sh docker run -p 3000:3000 git.grosinger.net/tgrosinger/west-sound-hall:0.0.14 ``` ## Updating ### Events on the Homepage The homepage has a list of upcoming events. This list is created from [`src/app/upcoming-events.json`](https://git.grosinger.net/tgrosinger/west-sound-hall/src/branch/main/src/app/upcoming-events.json). To update the events listed, modify that file, tag a new version, and then update the running container to the latest version. Events in the past will be automatically hidden from view. ### News Posts News posts are written in [`src/app/news`](https://git.grosinger.net/tgrosinger/west-sound-hall/src/branch/main/src/app/news). Each post requires a directory within this folder, and the directory title will become the last segment of the news post URL. To create a new post, create a new directory in that folder, then within that folder create a `page.mdx`. Use an existing news post as a template by copying its `page.mdx` then modify the author, date, title, description, and the body of the post as needed. Posts are written in [mdx](https://mdxjs.com/) however for most news posts you can just consider the body of the post to be [standard markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/). Photos can be added in the same directory as the `page.mdx` file. Refer to another news post for an example of how to embed them. ## Developing To get started, first install the npm dependencies: ```bash npm install ``` Next, create a `.env.local` file in the root of your project and set the `NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL` variable to your site's public URL: ``` NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL=https://example.com ``` Next, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev ``` Finally, open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your browser to view the website. ## License This site is based off of the Spotlight template from Tailwind, and licensed under the [Tailwind UI license](https://tailwindui.com/license). It was purchased by Tony Grosinger.