feat(docs): Document sensor-rotate in behaviors config

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Cem Aksoylar 2023-12-03 23:04:28 -08:00
parent 2bab81a304
commit 56d863cba6

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@ -183,6 +183,27 @@ You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `&gresc` | [Grave escape](../behaviors/mod-morph.md) |
## Sensor Rotation
Creates a custom behavior which sends a tap of other behaviors when a sensor is rotated.
Has two variants: with `compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate"` it accepts no parameters when used, whereas with `compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var"` it accepts two parameters.
See the [sensor rotation behavior](../behaviors/sensor-rotate.md) documentation for more details and examples.
### Devicetree
Definition files:
- [zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate.yaml](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk%2Cbehavior-sensor-rotate.yaml)
- [zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var.yaml](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/blob/main/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk%2Cbehavior-sensor-rotate-var.yaml)
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ----------------------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| `compatible` | string | Sensor rotation type, **must be _one_ of**:<br/>`"zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate"`<br/>`"zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var"` | |
| `#sensor-binding-cells` | int | Number of params accepted (depends on `compatible` property), **must be _one_ of**:<br/>`<0>`<br/>`<2>` | |
| `bindings` | phandle array | A list of two behaviors to trigger for each rotation direction, must include parameters for `"zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate"` and exclude them for `"zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var"` | |
| `tap-ms` | int | The tap duration (between press and release events) in milliseconds for behaviors in `bindings` | 5 |
## Sticky Key
Creates a custom behavior that triggers a behavior and keeps it pressed it until another key is pressed and released.